
RegulationHandbook PDF

The ideal student behavior is that controlled by self-discipline. When that fails, school officials must provide corrective measures that may include disciplinary actions such as detention, parent conference, in-or-out-of school suspension, expulsion, or referral to outside agencies. In all serious disciplinary actions, parents, guardians, are to receive early notification of the problem. Country directors and parent/guardian of students will be given monthly updates on student conduct and academic progress.

Category I Infractions
Title Offense
Verbal Warning  
One Demerit 鈥 Uniform violations
鈥 Tardy to class or other mandatory arrangement. After 20 minutes, students are marked as 鈥渁bsent鈥 and receive 3 demerits
鈥 Speaking a language other than English in the school building
鈥 Electronic device misuse in school building 鈥 and during study hall (also device confiscated). The first violation is 1 demerit, the second is 2 demerits, and the third violation is 3 demerits.
鈥 Usage of school computers for non-academic purposes
鈥 Mild classroom disruptions, such as talking to neighbor when it鈥檚 inappropriate to do so.
鈥 Food or beverages in the classroom. Students may bring a water bottle only.
鈥 Missing weekend sign-ins
鈥 Violation of dormitory lights-out policies
鈥 Littering
鈥 Running or excessive physical activity inside the school building
鈥 Awake after lights out on the dormitory.
鈥 Keeping locker opened or unlocked while unattended.
鈥 Leaving property of school or self in an insecure location (i.e. leaving textbooks just laying around the campus)
鈥 Leaving locker opened
Two Demerits 鈥 Unexcused absence from class or a mandatory event. After three unexcused absences from mandatory events, students will face the Judicial Committee and may have further punishments, including suspension or dismissal.
鈥 Improper usage of phone or other technology (2nd offense)
Three Demerits 鈥 Severe classroom disruption
鈥 Profanity in the school building or on campus
鈥 Improper usage of phone or other technology (3rd offense)
Category II Infractions
Title Offense
Suspension or dismissal鈥
or other consequences
depending on circumstances
鈥 Intentionally damaging school property
鈥 Violence of any kind
鈥 Tobacco usage or possession
鈥 Visiting dormitory of the opposite gender
鈥 Verbal abuse
鈥 Bullying
鈥 Insubordination towards teacher or staff
鈥 Disrespect towards a teacher or staff
鈥 Academic dishonesty
鈥 Sexual activity between students
鈥 Theft of any kind
鈥 Viewing or distributing pornography or other illegal items
鈥 Possession of a weapon
鈥 Sexual, religious, racial or other kinds of harassment
鈥 Leaving campus without proper permission
鈥 Drug or alcohol use
鈥 Failure to report violence or harassment
鈥 Violation of school Honor Code (cheating, plagiarism, etc.)
鈥 Willful conduct that materially and substantially disrupts the right of others to an education
鈥 Willful conduct that endangers school employees, the student, other students, or the property of the school
鈥 Conduct which demeans, degrades or threatens another person because of gender, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic status
鈥 Willful violation of any rule of conduct specified in this policy
Accumulation of Demerits
10 - 30 demerits total in Academic Year: Students will attend an afternoon detention for each demerit earned in this range. During the detention, which lasts 45 minutes, students will be expected to quietly study their course materials.
31 or more demerits total in Academic Year: For each penalty point above 30 in an academic year, a student will receive a Friday afternoon detention, a Saturday morning detention, and one day of In-School Suspension.
When a student reaches 50 demerits, there will be a Judicial Committee meeting to determine whether the student may stay at Saint Paul American School. Parents will receive a written letter about the student鈥檚 status with the school discipline. Meetings and evaluations will take place for each subsequent 10 demerits after 40.
Merit Points
Merit points may be given to any student for any act that the teacher sees as exceptional behavior. One merit point will also be given to students for making the Honor Roll, which is defined as a GPA above 3.3. Students earning above a 3.6 GPA for a Grading Period will earn two merit points. Students earning above a 3.9 GPA will receive three merit points